Looking out at our beautiful blue waters it is easy to forget some of the challenges you can face during construction in the Bahamas. It is what draws so many tourists here, what keeps so many here looking to invest, and what makes up so much of the pride of the Bahamian people.
Those surreal colours also represent the basis of many of the challenges faced during construction. The islands and cays of the Bahamas, although geographically close together, are sometimes extremely difficult to access. This means that planning and logistics play just as an important role in the success of a project as the quality of the materials or the craftsmanship.
To get building products to Nassau, they may travel by train, truck, container, boat, and plane and may be handled over four times before even arriving on site. Transferring to one of the smaller family islands only adds to the challenge as you take into account the port or docking facilities and the availability of the proper equipment to unload and transport your material to the project site.
Add to this the challenge of supplying the properly trained and skilled workforce (who may come from all over the Bahamas) to these remote locations while providing room and board and it can seem daunting.
Although challenging, all of these problems can easily be overcome and prepared for during the planning stages of a project. As a developer, this makes it vitally important to have a partner who knows material lead and shipping times, methods of transportation, island management, local labour laws, and the various costs and delays that can occur.
At TMC we have been fortunate to learn many lessons (some the hard way) over the years with regards to logistics and project management, and have built a strong networks of companies and individuals who can help to mitigate these challenges. We look forward to leveraging our years of experience and networks to satisfy your project needs here in the Bahamas.
Contact us now to see how we can help you build your project the right way, on time, & on budget.

A baby conch off Abaco